Operation Christmas Child is a division of Samaritan’s Purse. The goal is to reach poverty stricken youth all across the world with the power of giving simple gifts, in Jesus’ name. Redeemer Community Church has opted to participate in Operation Christmas Child by filling plastic tubs (the size of a shoebox) with goodies for such youth, in attempt to shower them with love. You may participate in two different ways with this program. Both are equally important to our goal.

  1. Fill a shoebox for a child (or a few shoeboxes)
  2. Give monetarily to help raise the money that is required by Samaritan’s Purse to defray shipping costs. In this case, a check would be written to Kari Pope and she will submit payment on your behalf that would cover shipping for Redeemer’s boxes. Samaritan’s Purse asks that a $7 donation be given per shoebox.

We will also be having a get together on 20 Nov. at the Pope’s home right after church to drop off the boxes (you are not responsible for finding a drop off location), pray over the boxes, fellowship and celebrate together. More to info. to come about this gathering soon. If you have questions, please contact Kari Pope.